Jan 12, 2011

The Trilobis 65

It's curious to see that nearly all of them are environmentally conscious and point towards sustainability and that the bolder and more interesting ones have the ocean as a basis. When the earth is used up will we set our sights on the sea? The Trilobis 65 is one of those suggestions, that, although it is promissing in 2020.
                                                 The Trilobis 65
Most likely, it will be constructed in Vancouver, British Columbia at the  average budget of Four million dollars of this floating house, whose shape is based on a pre-historic trilobite. However, there is nothing pre-historic about it, as it's equipped with some of the most modern technological solutions, especially when it comes to energy production autonomy, assured by eco-friendly systems - fuel, solar and eolian cells. Some of the technology applied in this project was developed in a cooperation with the European Space Agency.